Family man survives thanks to CARL.
Sudden cardiac death can strike anyone. Only about ten percent of patients resuscitated outside a hospital survive cardiac arrest. And after resuscitation, a high percentage of survivors suffer from persistent serious neurological sequelae, particularly affecting brain function. CARL Technology has been developed to help more people survive cardiac arrest and improve the neurological recovery. Worldwide in any location. In- and out-of-hospital as well.

Jörg Teichfischer suffered a cardiac arrest at home in spring 2023. He was resuscitated by an emergency physician by means of defibrillator and cardiac massage for 55 minutes. Afterwards an ambulance took him to the Ortenau Klinikum Lahr, where resuscitative measures continued for almost 20 minutes. However, it was only through the application of CARL Therapy that the heart of the 48-year-old family man started to beat again by its own and in the right rhythm.
CARL Therapy bought the physicians time to treat the patient. They placed a stent in his heart to keep the vessels open. In rehab, Jörg Teichfischer recovered from his cardiac arrest. He did not retain any organic or neurological sequelae. “I am infinitely grateful for receiving CARL and that I am therefore still alive”, says Jörg Teichfischer in retrospect.
Jörg Teichfischer’s story has been told in a feature by RTL:
Hoffnung für Herzinfarkt-Patienten: Maschine CARL kann Leben retten (rtl.de)
Photos: RTL.de