Differences between manual CPR and corpuls cpr in regard to quality and outcome: study protocol of the comparing observational multi‐center prospective registry study on resuscitation (COMPRESS)
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, Ausgabe 2021
Chest compression is the key procedure during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. High quality chest compression is essential for survival with favorable neurological recovery after cardiac arrest [ 1]. With manual CPR, increasing fatigue of rescuers and frequent interruptions of compressions have been reported [ 2]. Both fatigue and interruptions decrease chest compression quality and the generated blood flow. High performance chest compressions have been shown to improve survival rates, compared to insufficiently performed chest compressions [ 3, 4].
For that reason, several mechanical CPR devices with different compression methods have been developed. These devices perform chest compressions through inflatable vests, mechanical pistons or load distributing bands. The most frequently used devices are LUCAS (piston-driven) (manufactured by Stryker Medical) and AutoPulse (load distributing band) (manufactured by ZOLL medical).
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